Club Torque Spring 2021

“the back tyres were this wide...”

meeting, to keep all members up to date with what is happening behind the scenes. Unfortunately, I have not had the time due to Club Torque and other more pressing commitments. I will however be catching- up with it over the next couple of months. The new committee is very promising, with a motion passed to setup several sub-committees, to look into all aspects of our club operations. There are some interesting things coming your way in the near future, as I get “A

Round TUIT” I’ll keep you posted. I will be looking for member support with some upcoming events like the 25th anniversary of motorsport for the club. If you can assist, let me know today. There will be a special edition of Club Torque, dedicated to club motorsport; any photos, videos, writeups that you may have will be most welcome. You could earn some TUIT’s too – more on them later. Illawarra also has their 10th anniversary this year and another special edition is also on

the cards. Illawarra, send in your articles today, there is a multitude of them out there. My sincere thanks and appreciation to Kerri Langworthy-Ward your new Vice President; for her enormous support and continuing demanding work. Kerri is a tower of strength and someone that can be counted on when things get tough. Thanks Kerri, you are simply amazing. Thank you too, to our committee members for their continuing challenging work on your

Club Torque - SPRING 2021 |


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