Club Torque Spring 2021


PRESIDENT’S REPORT 19 November 2021

Words: G Peter Battisson Images: Club members

Wow! What an amazing 6 weeks. One AGM, two issues of Club Torque, two committee meetings; many hours discussing the future of our club. Discussions with sponsors and advertisers, designing various operating guides; policy and procedure instructions, getting the terms of reference organised for the many sub-committee’s. Visiting all of the chapters,

attending events and runs, several overnight stays and I have covered over 8,000 km’s in my ND. Hours of negotiations with various committee members too. Resolving issues within the membership and finalising some of their concerns; which took extensive investigation on my part as well. It has been jam- packed to say the least. The interactions with the many members I have met has been very enlightening too. Everyone will be

listened to and their thoughts considered, be assured of that. Kerri and I have been absolutely flat-out with the production of Club Torque, it has been a monumental task, weeks of work completed in just days, no sleep for us, I can assure you all of that. This Spring edition too, has been every bit as much a hard slog, with the deadline looming faster than we were able to produce the pages, it may

Club Torque - SPRING 2021 |


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